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Can this bow be re-haired?

two cello bows

Yes, all our bows can be re-haired by a qualified luthier.

Bows function by packing hardened tree sap (rosin) into the tiny spaces behind the microscopic barbs/scales in horse hair. Bowing is essentially like thousands of tiny fingers plucking or pulling the string, creating the effect of a sustained tone.

Because horse hair is a biological material and wears down with age and use, it needs to be replaced from time to time. You will know you need to rehair your bow when either:

  1. It's gotten really dark or dirty (never touch the hairs with your hands as the oils and contaminants on them will darken the hairs and make it difficult for rosin to stick).
  2. The bow slides on the string and doesn't have that crisp "grip" like before, even if you have tried to rosin it. (Note that all new bows need a thick first coat of rosin applied, and often times new players have not put enough on the first time.)

A qualified luthier can rehair your bow without much hassle. It's typically $60-$80 for a good reheair, though some shops get away with charging much more.

Lastly, how often should we re-hair our bows?

I re-hair my bow every 6-8 months when I am playing in my three orchestras and putting in a lot of practice time on top of it.

I tell my students to consider a re-hair every 2 years, or less if they are playing a lot and using more force from the bow arm.

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