Getting the right violin with guidance

I am an adult violin player of 3 years. I recently connected with Rhiannon via her website. I hadn't realized my violin was not full size and hoped by purchasing a new one it would help me improve my playing.

When we first met she kindly looked at my old one and brought out her micrometer to size it up. She made no comment about how good or bad it was...I just had the information.

I returned home and after thinking it over I asked her via email what she would recommend. I set up another appointment and she had me play 3 possibilities within my price range without commenting which was the Bellissma "Valentina," the one she said in her email would be most suitable.

After I decided on the best one, she acknowledged that was also her choice and confirmed it was the Valentina.

She was very patient with me, never rushing, as I moved from one instrument to another trying to decide and answering many of my questions! I'm getting familiar with the amount of sound emanating from my new violin. I am Very excited to see myself improve with this new instrument!!!!! It has a great tone and I am working on tonalization. I hadn't played for a while so my finger tips are sore!!!

I am very happy with my new violin and thank Rhiannon for her time and patience and the service she provides. Rhiannon, thank you for spending so much time with me.

[UPDATE: 1 week later] Just wanted to thank you for spending so much time with me..I'm getting familiar with the amount of sound emanating from my new violin. It has a great tone and I am working on tonalization. Hadn't played for a while so my finger tips are sore!!! Hope your symphony gigs are going well.

January 26, 2018
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