Buy your violin here: Rhiannon's personal manner and service are untouchable

Buy your violin here: Rhiannon's personal manner and service are untouchable

The violin is still exploding with more volume each day. The tonal qualities, rich to begin with, almost seem to try to outperform the volume, as if each quality was vying to outdo the other. It's truly a remarkably powerful instrument and well worth your price.

Of the six violins I've owned, only the 909's immediately bright but mellow response transmits full sound so intense that it reverberates right through your body. What an incredible experience. And as Rhiannon said, with a gold medal luthier, the violin's value is almost guaranteed to increase at a greater rate than is typical for instruments in its price range.

I wanted to thank you, Rhiannon, for making the purchase of my 909 via the internet and Fiddleheads such a positive experience. Remember the exhaustive email mania...with extensive talk about violin tone, value, shipping...and kids and trucks and trips and weather?

Needless to say, your opinions regarding instrument selection, shipment and transfer of funds were essential and admirably professional, but it was the endearing snippets we shared about our families that generated confidence that is typically lacking in traditional violin transactions.

When my incoming email doesn't have something from Fiddleheads, it's a little disappointing. I so appreciated that. On the other hand, I know that if I ever have a question or two, you'll be there as always.

Thank you again for your advice, service and the honest elements of concern...they were truly appreciated. With confidence and satisfaction, I have recommended others to view the Fiddleheads web site and seriously consider the purchase of an instrument from you.

In my opinion, your personable manner and service are untouchable. With thanks and fond memories... Jonathon

January 2, 2010
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